Dynamic Spiral Yoga combines Traditional Hatha yoga asana with explorative spiral movement patterns inspired by Qigong, Gyrokynesis foundation and continuous movement. This practice strengthens the whole Myofascial and cardio-respiratory systems, optimizing chi (energy) into the whole body. Dynamic Spiral Yoga is a graceful series, with a Yang energetic quality of movement which works directly opening up and hydrating the joints and the fascia, and strengthening and nourishing the muscles as well.
This training is a solid foundation of the Dynamic Spiral Yoga system. It offers a detailed breakdown and study of each of the elements that compose the movements which together will give form to the full dynamic spiral yoga practice.
It offers an explorative doorway to enter of the new body mechanics of moving and practicing Yoga.
Originating from the integration of the Ancient Wisdom and contemporary of Yoga, Qigong, Spontaneous Movement, Gyrokinesis, Myofascia Release, Tantra, Daoism, Chinese 5 Elements. Dynamic Spiral yoga, focuses on the release, strengthen and healing of the Myofascial tissue and how to take Yin energetic qualities into the Yang Dynamic fluid movements.
What will you learn from this training?
- Understand and practice the foundation of the yoga Asanas and Qigong applied to the Dynamic Spiral system.
- Learn anatomy and physiology of the Myofascial system.
- Learn the form and function of the body mechanics of the Dynamic Spiral movement
- Learn 5 elements Qigong foundational movement for the effective Dynamic Spiral conditioning practice
- Learn how to build the Dynamic Spiral Yoga sequence from it’s foundation to full expression
- Be able to experience the vibrant energizing quality of the practice
- You will be able to understand the Dynamic Spiral Yoga foundational movements
- Understanding the Weaving of Daoist and Yoga philosophy
Beta Lisboa & Simon Calder
Beta comes from a background of Yoga, Buddhist meditation, Bodywork and Trauma Release work. Simon (Sai) has been practicing and studying Qigong and Yoga for many years. Together, they have developed a complete system of Dynamic Spiral and Yin Fascial Yoga that they have been sharing and teaching in their travels around the World.
Beta’s approach is all focusing on physical and emotional trauma release, and improving long-lasting wellness for Body & Mind. She is well known for her expertise in guiding people through Body and Mind integration processes, with a unique combination of all or some elements of her training programs. Her approach is personal, thorough, deep, individualized, life changing and is suited to people who are curious and ready for transformation in their lives.
Read more about <a href=”http://www.betalisboa.com/biography-beta-lisboa-yoga-training/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Beta</a>
Simon’s main focus is aligned with reducing and releasing of built up residual tensions in the body, emotions, mind and spirit. To offer a framework and direction thats assists in all functions of the body mind system to stay free of further problems and to promote a simple straight forward system that can be shared by anyone to aid in the relief of suffering, allowing the inspired potential of each person to be activated and understood. To wash away the weights inflicted by life, releasing to life, to become more alive.
Participants will receive a 50 hour CE-Yoga alliance certificate. If you follow both modules (Yin Fascial module & Dynamic spiral module) you will receive a 100 hour certificate. These certificates count towards the 200 hour certifitcation programs by Beta Lisboa & Simon Calder. Aalo-Yoga Academie students can use these hours to build towards the advanced 300 hour-certification! If you want to know more about this contact Esther at esther@pureenergyyoga.nl